Stichting Niomon, Amsterdam
IBAN: NL 25 TRIO 0320 2394 62
IBAN: NL 25 TRIO 0320 2394 62
“Hello, We are two Japanese temple guardians, we are 700 years old, and we would like to return home.
We come from a temple gate on a mountain in Japan.
We once disappeared from the gate and ended up in the Netherlands, in a room in of the Rijksmuseum from Amsterdam.
Now we would like to return home to take up our task again. We have already come a long way. Returned to our home village in exciting Delft blue suits, but the last step, back into our gate, has not yet succeeded: The gate is in a terrible condition and unable to support us. So she needs some TLC and repairs.
Would you like to help us? By adopting/sponsoring a piece of the gate, you will make it possible to: dismantle the gate, transport it to Kyoto, be repaired there, put her together and then we can take our positions again in the gate, enchanting the mountain, inspire, roar and be ‘a Portal to knowledge, wisdom and love’.
We are rebuilding and restoring the gate in Okuizumo, Japan.
Will you join us and adopt an unique part of a Japanese temple gate and help this Niomon and its Nio reign and roar again? Or join one of our gathering: see agenda
Not everything needs to be replaced, but a lot does.
We will work in close collaboration with local master shrine- and temple-carpenters Abe san and Agō san, and the College of Architecture in Kyoto who want to make it a graduation project.
We will start by making blueprint drawings and disassembling the gate (spring 2024), restoring the constructive pillars and the lower beams (summer 2024). Later, the roof, the decorative parts and the stone foundation will be added (autmn 2024/ winter 2024/2025).
With your constribution we will dismantle, restore and rebuild the Niomon in order for the gate to be strong enough to house the temple guardians again.
Sponsorship starts at parts of 5x5 cm (25 cm2) for 25,- euro and multiples of it up to perhaps even a whole constructive pillar (240 pieces each side).
So, if you choose to adopt a piece of 5x5 cm, your donation is 1x25 = 25,- euros.
If you choose to adopt 5 pieces, your dontation is 5x25 = 125,- euros
If you choose to adopt a whole constructive pillar it is 240x 25 = 6.000,- per side and so on.
If you decide to donate please send a message* and fill out the number of pieces you would like to adopt. You in return will receive a message with a QR code or payment instructions.
*Yes! I love to contribute to the renovation of the temple.
You could also choose to contribute by direct transfer to
Stichting Niomon, Amsterdam
IBAN: NL 25 TRIO 0320 2394 62
Our partners in this are (among others):
GIA Niomon Yokota, local masters in temple carpentry Mr. Abe and Mr. Agō, construction company Mr. Itō, and the College of Architecture in Kyoto will take up the restauration with their students under the guidance of principal Mr. Sano. Also volunteers and citizens of Yokota will be helping with (re) building. We are looking into ways to involve Dutch students in this project as well.
ANBI status for Stichting Niōmon is in the making.
Thank you!